Welcome to The Website of The Singing Men of Northern Indiana, Inc.  

Site updated 12/16/24





We are a non-denominational sacred men's chorus from a wide range of professions, churches and communities in Northern Indiana, including Elkhart, Goshen and surrounding communities. We are patterned on The Singing Men of Oak Brook from Oak Brook, Illinois, who have been ministering in music for more than 30 years and The Singing Men of Central Wisconsin.

May 20th 2023 "LetFreedom Sing" concert at Performing Arts Center Jenison Michigan.
 Our next " Let Freedom Sing"concert will be on Nov. 8th, 2025 in either Hinsdale or Champaign, Illinois

 Singing Men Choral Director-Becky Avery Branch,
Backup Director-Leon Amstutz
Accompanist- Mark Gledhill
     You can sign up to sing with The Singing Men of Northern Indiana by contacting me at

 Singingmenind@aol.com John Anderson

 Next practice is Tuesday, January 17th, 2025  at Hubbard Hill Chapel at 4:00 PM  

National Anthem on Utube

National anthem from South Bend Cubs game

Wade In The Water     Solid Rock Medley      He Never Failed Me     This Little Light of  Mine

Little  Drummer Boy        Mary Did You Know          Rejoice The Lord Is King   
Christmas Portrait              

Practice Schedule

Tuesday evenings, at Hubbard Hill Chapel starting October 1st, 2024, at 7:30.  The first 15 minutes will be a time for devotions   ____________________________________________________________________________________________

                                          Performance Schedule

Saturday, November 10th-9 AM Breakfast- 8:15 call concert Dress for Trinity Men's Group
Sunday, November 25th-McCoy Memorial Baptist Church- 6 PM, Sunday night service
Sunday, December 16th-6 PM Calvary Baptist Church Sunday night service  4:45 Call time   
Sunday, January 13th-Trinity Methodist Church- morning services at 9 AM, call time at 8:00 for warmup and practice     
March 2nd- Saturday, 1 pm concert at Hubbard Hill  11:45 AM call
Sunday, May 19th, Oak Brook, Illinois Spring concert at Christ Church of Oak Brook with The Singing Men of Oak Brook and 4 other men's choruses plus The Chicago Brass Band, 3 PM concert 12:45 PM call CDT                          
September 28th 4 PM Ken Medema concert at Beulah Missionary Church
December 7th 2:30, Christmas concert at Millers Merry Manor, Wakarusa, Indiana-cancelled 
Saturday, January 18th-South Bend First 7th DayAdventist Church-10 AM call 11 AM service
January 20th-Martin Luther King Annual holiday Celebration at River of Life Church
Saturday, Feb 22nd, River of Life Church, Black History Month-Tentative
Sunday evening, March 15th, McCoy Memorial Baptist Church, 5 PM call 6 PM service
unday, March 29th, St James AME Church, Call 3 PM, Sing 4 PM-
because of virus
Sunday, August 26th, Trinity On Jackson, 8:15 Call, 9 AM Service-cancelled
Saturday, July 18th-South Bend First 7th DayAdventist Church-10 AM call 11 AM service
Sunday morning Service, July 19th, McCoy Memorial Baptist Church, 8:30 AM Call, 9:30 AM Service-cancelled 
Saturday, November 21st-South Bend First 7th Day Adventist Church-10 AM call-International Day
Nothing scheduled

January 30th, Trinity On Jackson, 8:15 Call, 9 AM service. Red Singing Men ties, black pants and jacket
February 27th at McCoy Memorial Baptist Church 9:30 service, 8:45 call and warmup, with Barbara Anderson flutist on "You Are Mine",.
April 8th, "The 7 Last Words of Christ", 7:30 PM at Bethel Auditorium
May 21st, 2022
Let Freedom Sing concert at Trinity On Jackson, 7 PM with Men's choruses fron Grand Rapids, Champaign/Urbana, Oak Brook and Hinsdale.
August 21st
Morning Service at Trinity On Jackson-new blue polo shirts 8:15 call, 9 AM Service-cancelled
September 1st
Concert and practice at Hubbard Hill, 6:30 concert at the Angel Garden, 7:30 practice, blue polo shirts and Khaki pants

November 12th,
Redeemer United Reformed Church 10681 Park Pl, St John, Indiana, 7 PM, concert dress, with Men of A-Chord 4 PM practice with Men of A-Chord    
November 20th
Berean BaptistChurch, Albion Indiana, 6 PM dinner followed by concert, concert dress, 5 PM call at church
Berean cancelled for bad weather      
January 1st
Clay Methodist Church, South Bend, morning service-
February 11th
Saturday, February 11th, Men's Prayer Breakfast at Trinity On Jackson, call time 8:30 AM
May 13th
Practice at Trinity with Singing Men of Oak Brook for May 20th concert
May 20th
Let Freedom Sing concert Jenison Center for the Arts in Jenison, Michigan
August 6th Not this year
Michigan International Speedway Brooklyn Michigan, sing God Bless America
August 6th
South Bend Cubs national anthem at Four Winds Park, 1 PM, blue shirts and khaki pants
August 13th
Trinity On Jackson morning service, call time 8:15, service at 9:00, concert dress, black suits, Paisley red tie and kerchief.
Jean Jacobson accompanist, Greg Huffman on drums for Order My Steps

September 3rd
Berean Baptst Church Albion Indiana Concert dress 1:30 concert. Call time noon in Albion. This is the church's anniversary dinner, we are invited to noon lunch
September 16th
Saturday sabbath service at 1st Adventist Church of South Bend, call time 10 AM, service 11 AM, concert dress, pot luck lunch following
September 24th
Vespers service at Hubbard Hill, 6 PM, call time 5 PM at the chapel, concert dress, short version of "Let Freedom Sing"
October 15th
Bremen Missionary Churc evening service 6 PM Concert dress cancelled will reschedule next year
December 1st
SonSet Solutions Christmas party-cancelled
December 3rd
"Let Freedom Sing" and Christmas concert at River of Life, 6 PM, concert dress  Concert cancelled by Bryson's grandmother

January 15th
Martin Luther King birthday event at Trinity On Jackson, NAACP event, concert dress, 6 PM call time , service at 7 PM
January 21st
Hubbard Hill Vesper Service gospel arrangements, 6 PM 5 PM call, concert dress
February 24th
New Journey United Methodist Church in Niles Michigan, concert, Emma's church, concert dress, time to be determined
May 18th
"Let Freedom Sing" in South Holland Illinois, concert dress, Thorn Creek Reformed Church
July 28th
South Bend Cubs National Anthem, 1 PM call at ball park in South Bend, blue shirts and khaki pants
August 11th
Trinity On Jackson, morming service, 8:15 call, 9:00 Service, Blue Singing Men shirts, khaki pants
September 22nd
Hubbard Hill patriotic concert, 5:00 call, 6:00 service, concert dress, Hubbard Hill chapel
November 10th
Mason Township Baptist Church-Cassopolis, Michigan, Concert dress, 5 PM call, 6:00 concert
        20109 Mason Street, Cassopolis, MI
reschedle for January, 2025
November  17th
10:30 AM, Grace Brethren Church, CR 20 Concert dress, followed by Thanksgiving dinner
      Mark Gledhill pianist, Leon director 
 (cancelled, no pianist available)
December 17th
Hubbard Dementia Unit-5 PM call 6 PM concert

January 20th
Martin Luther King birthday event, NAACP event, concert dress, 6 PM call time , service at 7 PM
February 2nd
Hubbard Hill concert, 5:00 call, 6:00 service, concert dress
June-as requested
South Bend Cubs national anthem
August 10th
Trinity On Jackson, morming service, 8:15 call, 9:00 Service, Concert Dress
September 22nd
Hubbard Hill concert,
5:00 call, 6:00 service, concert dress

November 8th
"Let Freedom Sing", concert dress, Hinsdale First Adventist Church



 Copyright 2024 The Singing Men of Northern Indiana, Inc.    All Rights Reserved

As of August 3rd, 2017, The Singing Men of Northern Indiana, Inc is a 501-c-3 tax exempt organization.